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Audio Collections: 16rpm, 33rpm and 45rpm LPs

Choose at least one search criterion

Looking for a record

Looking for a track or an artist

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The query returns a maximum of @@Max@@ results, this limitation does not apply to registred users

CEMJazz Database

Cemjazz DataBase versionLast update
15.0.712 octobre 2024
16rpm LP records
33rpm LP records
45rpm LP records

About your query and results

It is better to limit yourself to a few keywords rather than fill in the full names of songs or orchestras. An option “Modify the search” is offered to refine your search afterwards. However the search module does not take care of case or accents, cedillas and others, but this is not enough. A good example is the orchestra “Gregor and his Gregorians”, which can be found under the form “Gregor & his Gregorians” or “GREGOR ET SES GREGORIENS”, … it is better to simply search for “Gregor”. In the same way, searching for “Louis Blues” rather than “Saint-Louis Blues”, or “St. Louis-Blues” or any other variation will surely leads to better results.

In the query results, the “Record_title” and “Primary_artist” fields include the information given on the label while respecting the typography used (case, accents, …) and even possibly spelling errors! The “Rec_info” fields group together factual data on the object itself (mono or stereo, atypical characteristics or more prosaically … the bad condition of the support).

The “Tracks” and “Artists” fields give information on the pieces (A1, A2,… then B1, B2, … for sides A and B) and, as far as possible, on the artists involced.

The Tags fields are reserved for context information. Thus, “Rec_tags” will indicate, most of the time, the country and the year of publication of the record. If more information is available on the pieces of music themselves, it will appear in “Content_tags” as for example the musical style and more rarely the recording date.